Tuesday 13 March 2012

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest...

 "we see what the mebers ahev to say - if theya r4e sifficuently behind us we may ride this out"   - Hils (aka Pickled Tink) 7/18/2010
If it were not for the number of people whose reputations were so badly damaged in the appalling deception carried out by Judy Okla and Danileo in July 2010, the recent appointment of Judy as Administrator of SBFII would be laughable.  Quite honestly, you couldn't make this stuff up!

I thought I might provide the most basic of Cliff Notes for those readers whose memories need refreshing in the 18 months that have passed since those shameful events.  All of the information I am listing CAN be proved, incontrovertibly.

On July 17th/18th 2010 word spread amongst the staff at SBFII that an attempt was to be made to 'take over the forum' by 'DJGers', i.e. members of Susahumor.  This false rumour was instigated by a cyber troll who had somehow won the trust of the staff at SBFII (even though he had been banned under many different aliases.)  The staff encouraged the falsehoods and helped spread them.

Staff started resigning, including Kalua (admin) and this continued throughout the day.  It was obviously pre-planned, probably on the assumption that there would be a clamour for their return, but that didn't happen. 

New admin accounts appeared 'out of the blue' and all sorts of mischief, mayhem and confusion ensued.  There was manufactured hysteria about banned members returning to the forum, even though the staff knew that new accounts had to be approved by a moderator before becoming full members.

Some members panicked, there was a hue and cry, and the remaining staff resigned leaving lChris to try and cope with what looked like, to all intents and purposes, an attack on the forum.  If the staff had seriously believed the forum was under attack, would they really have resigned and abandoned the members to their fate?

lChris was eventually unable to cope single-handed and asked for volunteers with some admin experience to assist, so another member and I eventually stepped forward and did what we could to help.  We had no idea at that time what was happening. lChris had expected Tink and the staff to return on July 19th.  They did not.  Tink claimed that lChris was preventing her from doing so, but that was a lie.

Afterwards, when the staff DID agree to return, I was accused of letting banned members in.  The fact is, NO banned members were readmitted to the forum, but members were encouraged to think they were, in the chaos. Even so, Pickled Tink later made a deliberate attempt to incriminate me in an official statement  of the Board of Directors.

Kalua was re-admitted as a staff member.  He could not become a member of the Board as he refused to give his personal information to dyebat who needed it to register officers of the intended non-profit organization that would become SBFII.

Pressure was put on the Board to carry out an investigation, in an effort to determine the perpetrators and to exonerate innocent parties.  In the end Tink arranged for an 'independent' examination of the database by one of her son's mates..... 
He answered the questions she put to him, but they were not designed to reveal any information that Tink and the Board did not want disclosed.

The Board made a ridiculous statement full of inaccuracies which played fast and loose with the truth.  Facts were manipulated by Tink to cover the antics of JudyOkla and Danileo and it contained a generalized 'apology' to the perpetrators as well as the victims of the farce.

Eventually dyebat became so exasperated with the lack of progress of the SBFII Board investigation that she requested additional help to examine the database. 

Knudt's systematic examination of the database revealed very clearly that JudyOkla and Danileo were behind the forum fiasco.  She laid out the evidence painstakingly so that everyone had the chance to see the truth.  Here is a link: Setting the Record Straight For Susan Boyle Fans

Many of the staff at SBFII denied ever reading knudt's blog which just adds to the mountain of lies already told.  We KNOW that staff members and Board members read them.  And that some of them KNOW that they contain an accurate, truthful record of events.

So, JudyOkla is now admin of SBFII.  No members of DJG's forum, or any other forum, ever had designs on SBFII, but it begs the question in my mind that perhaps someone else did....

Many of us are familiar with the concept of psychological 'projection';  ascribing one's own thoughts, feelings and motivation to others.

We had thought that the accusations that someone wanted to take over the forum were completely false, but did they perhaps have some basis in fact, but not from 'outsiders'?  Did JudyOkla and Danileo plan this way back in July 2010?

I am reminded of some very wise words,

To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he's doing is good... Ideology - that is what gives devildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others' eyes, so that he won't hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors. - Alexandr Solzhenitsyn