Thursday 25 November 2010

Food for Thought.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in The U.S.A.  Americans are enjoying a holiday that is centred around food.  My family and I all have plenty and for that I am thankful.

Although we don't celebrate Thanksgiving here, the thought was enough to make me reflect about what I have to be thankful for this year, and it is a lot.

First of all, I still have my husband.  He was very seriously ill earlier in the year and spent most of the summer in hospital, prior to heart surgery.  Yesterday he had his 62nd birthday; the birthday that he most likely would not have lived to celebrate.  For that I am thankful.

In times such as these, you begin to realise who your real friends are.  I have been blessed this year with the support of friends of long standing and that of friends whom I have never actually met, but who could not have done more had they been family.  For all of them, I am thankful.

During the last year, in times of great trouble, I have laughed with people and cried with them.  I have found myself totally supportive of forum members with whom I have been at odds in the past, and at odds with those I had thought friends.  It has been a year of enlightenment; for that I am thankful.

I was blessed (or cursed) with an enquiring mind.  I have always questioned things that made no sense to me and that has not always made life easier.  Nevertheless, in 57 years it has taught me one thing, and that is, it is better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot.  For that life lesson I am thankful.

I have been accused of many things during the past year, from being a time traveller to a dangerous international cyber-hacker.  Unfortunately time is linear and my level of computer skills would make the average 14-year old laugh.   Although a few people have dropped me from their friends lists, blocked me from following them on twitter and even attacked me personally and publicly, I have to remember that there are also those who have gone out of their way to send me a kind word or message of support.  For those individuals I am thankful.

This last year has been stressful and difficult for a number of reasons. I am grateful that I have come through it intact.  I could not have done so without conviction.  When I look at myself in the mirror, my conscience is clear.  For that I am thankful.

Thank you to my American friends, for reminding me that I have so very much to be thankful for.